IBM SPSS workshopok a GSZDI hallgatói számára

A. J. Guarino, amerikai biostatiosztika proffesszor, Fullbright-specialist ösztöndíjjal 42 napot töltött a Szent István Egyetem Gazdaság- és Társadalomtudományi Karán a Közgazdaságtudományi, Jogi és Módszertani Intézetében. A Gazdálkodás és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola 2017. április 24-én és 25-én workshopot szervezett hallgatói számára, melynek keretében a doktoranduszok elsajátíthatták a többszörös lineáris regresszió a többváltozós varanciaanalízis illetve a diszkriminancia analízis alapjait. A részletes program alább olvasható

WORKSHOP 1: Conducting Multiple Regression Analysis with IBM SPSS

DATE AND TIME: 24/04/2017 (Monday) 14:00-15:30

Workshop Description

The Office of International Relations at SZIU will be sponsoring the following workshop, Conducting Multiple Regression Analysis with IBM SPSS. This is an application-oriented workshop and the approach is practical. Participants will learn how to conduct and interpret multiple regression analyses and discuss situations in which these tests would be employed. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data sets and research questions to this workshop to enhance their understanding of statistics.

  • Logic of Multiple Predictors
  • Conducting a Multiple Regression
  • Standard, Stepwise, & Hierarchical
  • Multiple Regression Output
  • Regression Coefficients
  • Beta-weights & b-weights
  • Influential Points
  • Multicollinearity & Recommendations
  • Part & Partial Coefficients
  • Significance
  • Collinearity  
  • Path Analysis

WORKSHOP 2: Conducting Multivariate Analysis with IBM SPSS

DATE AND TIME: 25/04/2017 (Tuesday) 15:00-16:30

PLACE: seminar room No. 114

Workshop Description

The Office of International Relations at SZIU will be sponsoring the following workshop, Conducting Multivariate Analysis with IBM SPSS. This is an application-oriented workshop that targets those who want to become better versed in the more advanced statistical capabilities of IBM SPSS. This Workshop is also recommended for those seeking a solid understanding of statistics and wants to expand their knowledge of appropriate statistical procedures and how to set them up using IBM SPSS. Graduate students completing their dissertation will find this workshop valuable. 


  • Conducting a MANOVA
  • Assumptions of MANOVA
  • Examining the Output
  • Follow-up Analyses

Discriminant Analysis

  • Running a Discriminant Analysis
  • The Elements of Discriminant Analysis
  • The Discriminant Model
  • How Cases are Classified
  • The Discriminant Coefficients
  • Stepwise Model Selection

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

  • Conducting an ANCOVA
  • Assumptions of ANCOVA
  • Baseline ANOVA
  • ANCOVA - Homogeneity of Slopes
  • ANCOVA Output
IBM SPSS workshopok a GSZDI hallgatói számára
IBM SPSS workshopok a GSZDI hallgatói számára
IBM SPSS workshopok a GSZDI hallgatói számára